Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Chunks of Chocolate

Proverbs 12:25
Anxiety in a man's heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad.

What a great verse to consider when your country is in the middle of a greed-induced economic meltdown. People are naturally wondering what's going on. What's going to happen next? Why do I feel this way? The whole situation seems impossibly complex.
This verse says worry, or an anxious heart, will weigh you down while good words will cheer you up. Down with anxiety. Up with encouragement. Pretty simple, huh? Don't miss the subtle challenge of this verse, however. We are supposed to distribute kind words like chunks of chocolate to our friends. Here's my point...Your friends have hearts that are bringing them down. And you have just what they need to bring them up - a good word.

1 comment:

  1. Although this a very insightful and encouraging blog, I must say I was misled by its title. You shouldn't tempt us "chocoholics" with such words! :) I hope you have a great day! I am going to go find me some chocolate... :)
