Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Chapter 7 - Tying it all Together

Blogging through Stephen Altrogge's Game Day for the Glory of God has been a great experience for me. God has used sports in such a profound way in my sanctification that it was a no-brainer for me to blog through this book. Altrogge is a young man (twenty-four when the book was written) who has a handle on the significance of sports in the life of a Christ follower. He certainly makes the point that, if not kept in check, sports can pull us away from God. He also makes the point, however, that sports can serve a higher purpose in our lives than just playing games. In the final chapter, Altrogge reminds us of his two-fold purpose in writing. First, sports are gifts from God for our enjoyment. Second, sports are opportunities. He ties it all together like this:

"Sports provide us with opportunities to grow in godliness. Few things allow us to grow in humility, conquer our anger, discipline our bodies, persevere in the face of adversity, and pursue excellence, all in the span of an hour or two. Sports expose our sinful pride and desire for personal glory. They reveal our sinful self-sufficiency, self-worship, and self-centeredness. They also present unique opportunities to grow in humility, a character trait that deeply pleases God."

Here's my point...the next time you find yourself living a game day, determine to make it a game day for the glory of God.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mike -

    Thanks so much for blogging through my book. I'm so grateful that anyone would read it!
