Friday, March 13, 2009

All These People Going Somewhere

I'm sitting in the Indianapolis International Airport waiting for my flight home. I've been humming Brandon Heath's Give Me Your Eyes. Great song with a great message! As I watch all these people pass by - every size, shape, and color imaginable - I can't help but wonder where they're all going. I'm not wondering where American or Southwest will carry them today, but where they will spend eternity. The family sitting to my left trying to figure out a crossword puzzle from the morning paper -are they going to heaven? The middle-aged man sitting across from me reading Men's Health Magazine - is he going to heaven? The oriental lady who just sat down beside me; she seems frustrated - is she going to heaven? The 20-something Purdue fan that just walked by - is he going to heaven? The song says, "All those people going somewhere, why have I never cared...give me your eyes..." It takes on a different meaning when you're sitting in the middle of a busy airport.


  1. I listened to that song JUST today. I really liked it. I like how he sings, "Why haven't I cared before?" It's amazing what God can show us when we step out of our self-centered corners. . .

  2. Something that came to my mind recently was that when I pray for our troops or our police officers and firemen (or any responders for that matter), I usually thank God for their services and pray for their safety. Then it hit me one day, why have I never prayed for their salvation? They are in a line of duty where they could be killed at any time on any rescue or response. So along with praying for their safety, more importantly I need to pray for their salvation so that when a tragedy occurs, we can rest assured of where they will spend eternity. That, too, is one of those things that I asked myself, "why have I never thought of this before?".

  3. This song really made Brad and I think about our daily interactions with others, too. From work, to school, to the grocery store, we have challenged ourselves to really start caring about these people and praying for their well-being and salvation. Isn't it funny to think of how differently, yet appropriately, this song has touched each of us?
