Monday, March 2, 2009

Game Day - The Preface

As promised, I'll be blogging my way through Stephen Altrogge's Game Day for the Glory of God this week. I hadn't originally planned to post anything on the preface, but Altrogge does a great job of making the main thing the main thing. My favorite quote of the preface:

"As Christians we are commanded to be like Jesus Christ in every facet of our lives, including the way we play sports. We are to pursue godliness. Godliness doesn't come, however, by just getting out there and playing. You won't pick up a baseball bat, feel a tingling sensation in your fingers, and then suddenly be possessed with a passion for holiness. No, godliness requires intentional and diligent pursuit. Sports provide a context for that to occur."

All too often, we have a tendency to "compartmentalize" our lives. And sports usually fall in the secular compartment. Altrogge is saying every aspect of our lives, including sports, should be an arena for developing Christ likeness. Good stuff!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray! I found a Bro. Mike blog...not I can hear thoughts from Bro. Mike on a fairly regular basis! It's a good day:)

    Hope you're doing well!
